Did you know you can effortlessly support ThriVe Metro East while shopping? Every time you shop at Schnuck’s, ThriVe will receive 3% of your purchase as a donation when you sign up for the FREE eScrip program. Just sign up and choose ThriVe as your non-profit! Sign Up

Charity Gift Certificates

Make giving part of your gifting! You can now donate through, where you can specify the recipient, occasion, and delivery method for your gift. Just choose “ThriVe Metro East” at checkout and you can honor those you love with a gift to ThriVe.

Thrivent: Thrivent Choice Dollars and Action Teams

Are you a member of Thrivent Financial? You can designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to ThriVe, and it doesn’t cost you anything out-of-pocket! ThriVe is an approved charity for Thrivent Choice Dollars and we would love your support! To choose ThriVe for your Choice Dollars, contact a Thrivent customer care professional at 800-847-4836, and say “Thrivent Choice” at the prompt.

Thrivent members are also eligible to host an Action Team for a volunteer project, and will receive $250 in seed money, in addition to promotional materials. ThriVe and Thrivent are teaming up to make it easy to throw a baby shower with an Action Team to benefit ThriVe’s Parent University Resource Shops!